Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8, Discussion Topic 1

Week 8, Discussion Topic 1

Q Topic 1: Coming Full Circle: Course Reflection In this discussion, we will close the circle of our course. Comm 495 has been a true seminar course in that student work has formed the basis of its content. So, we have all learned quite a lot about both content and process--about all of your interesting and engaging research topics in the context of writing for specific audiences and sharing individual approaches to writing and research. Review some of your earlier postings in the class (or even the essay that you wrote for your portfolio). In a response to this discussion topic, share at least one insight—personal or professional—that you have gained through your work for this course and from your interactions with your colleagues here. Please post your initial response to this topic by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday. Comment on the initial responses of at least two classmates by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday. Continue your conversations through the end of the course week.

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I think that I am truly obliged to the UMUC faculty members and the fellow students who have been my peers in this course. I have got a new insight about how to empathize and communicate with other individuals. I have also learned to evaluate the work of others, especially the research papers and research topics of other students. This has made me become an evaluator and a critic who would be able to critique the work of others as well as the work of his own.